Xesc Reina is above all a creator of flavours, illusions and a restless professional. Master Craftsman Butcher by the Generalitat de Catalunya and Master Craftsman
Butcher-Stuffer by the Balearic Government. Xesc started in the butchery-delicatessen sector at the hands of a professional who
It transmits the craft and experience of traditional charcuterie. Later he settles on his own, where he begins the search for new techniques of
elaboration, of new products and developing the first creations. Trained in schools and workshops in France, among others, he has been incorporating brushstrokes of
ingenuity in their products.
In 1990 he became one of the reference teachers at the School of the Barcelona Butchers’ Guild, where he has taught more than 50
courses and from which, together with Josep Dolcet, another referent of the School, his first book El llibre de les botifarres crues was born. He is also the author of the book Potatoes. Shapes, colors and other possible gastronomies.
Union schools of the different Spanish provinces have counted on Xesc on numerous occasions, to be able to show unionized butchers-butchers,
different ways of working their meat products, making their presence at the sales counters more attractive and striking.
Creative and imaginative person, who does not hesitate to make his ideas, criteria, recipes and even ways of working to improve the quality, attractiveness and flavor of charcuterie products available to any professional in the sector.